Luke 17:20-21
20 Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the kingdom of God come?”
Jesus answered, “God’s kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see with your eyes. 21 People will not say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ because God’s kingdom is within you.”
i have been immersed in the canon of vaccine literature since August 27, 2014
which is the day the CDC whistleblower made his infamous press release, where he said,
"...i regret my coauthors and i omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in journal Pediatrics. the omitted data suggested african american males who received MMR vaccine before age 36 mo were at increased risk for autism..."
~ Dr William Thompson, CDC whistleblower
i happened to google "vaccines autism" on August 27, 2014, a mere 8 hours after this story broke.
it was a pure coincidence, that i was googling that exact phrase, on that exact day, at that exact time...
... or was it a coincidence?
i sincerely believe that it was "Devine Intervention"
i was lead, in a systematic way, to look for certain things at certain times,
and i would find the most interesting things, at the most interesting times,
even my username, u/VaccinesCauseSIDS was the result of another Divine Intervention, and i even screen-capped it for posterity.
i had no idea that vaccines caused SIDS.
it had never occurred to me, until this obnoxious vaccine-shill tried writing off what i considered to be at the time, a "vaccine overdose", as "SIDS"
and it was a long time after that, that it finally occurred to me that not only DO vaccines cause SIDS, but the entire concept of "SIDS" was invented to coverup the fact that vaccines routinely kill babies.
but the debate on vaccines and autism tends to quickly devolve into a debate that looks like:
AV: yes, vaccines can and do cause autism!
PV: no vaccines do not cause autism!
and the average lurker is not learning much from this debate, other than one party believes one thing, and the other party believes the exact opposite.
so, lets start at the very beginning of the vaccine-autism debate.
why do so many people believe that vaccines cause autism?
because they have first-hand knowledge of vaccines causing autism.
now, the official story is that a man named Dr Andrew Wakefield published a fraudulent paper, linking vaccines to autism, and his motive for producing a fraudulent paper, was to make a lot of money by inventing in a company that offered an alternative to the MMR vaccine.
just to be clear, lots of parents already knew that vaccines caused their child's autism, long before Dr Wakefield published a fraudulent paper. but now Dr Wakefield's fraud is used every day to introduce and dismiss the claim that vaccines cause autism.
they want to stay focused on Dr Wakefield, because they don't want you talking to, or listening to, or thinking about, anyone else about this vaccine-autism debate.
some days, it almost seems that Dr Wakefield's "fraud" was a very convenient narrative for the vaccine establishment, to dismiss the claim that vaccines cause autism.
in 2004, the CDC did a vaccine-autism study, and this study became THE LANDMARK STUDY that everyone cited, when they claimed that vaccines do not cause autism.
in 2014, the CDC whistleblower made his press release, basically admitting that the CDC knows vaccines cause autism, and the CDC hit the data, to cover it up.
in 2014, in response to the CDC whistleblower, the CDC made its own statement, where the CDC claimed (without evidence) that the reason the CDC discovered that vaccines are linked to autism, is because autism causes vaccines.
so, the CDC does a study in 2004, finds a link between vaccines and autism, and then waits 10 years, only to clam (without evidence) that autism actually causes vaccines.
let go back to the parents.
its amazing to watch how people will dismiss the direct, first-hand witness to a vaccine injury.
according to pro-vaccine people, parents aren't doctors, and are therefore not even qualified to take their own child's temperature with a thermometer and get an accurate fever measurement.
it doesn't matter if mom and/or dad spent every moment of the day and night with their child, and knew every nuance of their child, they were still not qualified to tell the difference between their child BEFORE the vaccine, and AFTER the vaccine,
you see, the child was always (vaccine injured), but the parents were just too dumb to notice it until after the vaccine injury.
what do the parents almost always say?
my child was perfectly healthy in every way, developmentally normal, able to speak big number of words, able to walk, able to control toilet, responded to sound of their name,
took child to doctor for a "well-child" doctor visit, doctor did a physical /medical exam, and verified child was 100% healthy in every way
a few hours later, the child has a terrible fever, and their head is hurting so bad that they start banging their head against the wall. they rush the child to the ER, where the nurse assures the parent that these things just happen, and everything will be OK.
the child is not formally diagnosed with autism at this point. the child is said to be displaying "autism-like symptoms". the doctors foot-drag for months and months, before finally diagnosing the child with "autism"
the doctors then proceed to gaslight the parents, and tell the parents that their child was always autistic, and that they just never noticed until a few hours after the vaccine, which is a total coincidence, and we are sure of this, because we know that lots of other kids also start displaying autism-like symptoms within hours of a vaccine. coincidence. every. f'ing time.
BUT, the BIGGEST CLUE in this story, is the HIGH FEVER.
Fever is very easy to understand. Everyone knows what a fever is, and everyone knows that they are personally competent to use a thermometer to accurately tell their own temperature, or the temperature of another person.
so its going to be hard to gaslight the world on fevers,
but i fully expect them to try anyway.
note: if you do take a temperature, maybe you should also take another persons temperature, to get 2 different readings, so they don't hit you with the ole' "your thermometer wasn't calibrated dummy" defense. write down time, date, who, etc.
during the COVID "vaccine" roll out, i did some "google trends", comparing searches for different fever temperatures, for example
google trends > vaccine fever 101, vaccine fever 102, ... vaccine fever 115
and if i recall correctly, nobody ever searched for a fever above 114, presumably because the person would absolutely be dead at that temperature.
BUT, the data did make a very interesting bell-curve,
where on the left side of the curve, we have "vaccine fever of 99",
and on right side of curve we have "vaccine fever of 114",
and the hump of the bell curve falls right at 103F,
meaning, that about half of the people were searching for fever that was UNDER 103, and the other half of the people were searching for a fever OVER 103
BUT, a body temperature of 104F is considered a life-threatening emergency, that must immediately be treated, or else there is high risk of organ failure and/or brain damage.
and WHERE do they feel you, when they feel for a fever?
they feel on your FOREHEAD, because presumably the brain is the most serious of all places to have a fever.
Dravet syndrome is an excellent model to use, to explain how vaccines cause fever, and how fever causes "protein denaturing" (the cooked egg effect).
with Dravet syndrome, a very specify gene is damaged, in a very specific way, making it so that they now have a "genetic" test for Dravet, even though this test merely verifies that a certain gene is damaged, it in no way implies that Dravet is inherited from parents.
so when they say Dravet is genetic, they are telling lies with half-truths.
Dravet is a de novo mutation, meaning that the mutation happened within the species, and they can even tell about when the mutation happened, based on where in the body these mutations are found. the earlier the mutations happen, the more genes will be mutated. the later the genes mutated, the fewer genes will be mutated.
with Dravet, a certain gene is mutated in such a way, that it causes sodium challenopathy, which means that brain cells are not able to get sodium into and/or out of the cells, which causes seizures.
vaccine > fever > gene mutation > sodium channelopathy > seizures
So Dravet is a beautiful model for understanding many other vaccine injuries and problems.
"AUTISM" or (ASD) is a "spectrum", and the reason that its a "spectrum" is because, unlike Dravet, which is very well-defined, "genetically"
"autism" itself is not very well defined, genetically.
when they say "autism is genetic", what they mean is the same thing as Dravet.
yes autism is "genetic", but its not "inherited"
autism is only "genetic" in the sense that the person has gene damage, and that gene damage, can manifest itself in many ways, hence, the "spectrum".
there is a list of the supposed genes that are thought to be responsible for autism,
and that list was over 100 genes long.
"Dravet" has the benefit of being NAMED,
but most of these genes that are damaged in autistic people, don't have a NAME like Asperger or Dravet or Down,
oh, yeah vaccines also cause Down syndrome too. the quite obvious symptoms of Down syndrome somehow went un-described in the medical literature until after the introduction of vaccines into the West.
but anyway, the sheer volume of genes involved in "autism" would take a lifetime to study, and who has time for that? and to what end?
We can subtly shift the language to "VACCINES CAUSE DRAVET"
and create a whole new paradigm shift.
because most people have never heard of Dravet syndrome, they really have no idea what it is, or what causes it.
so you can just insert your red pill as a matter of fact, and they don't have any mental defense ready to reject the red pill.
But once you understand Dravet, you are able to use that model to understand any of the other 100 gene problems, and how they "present" as symptoms in people. Even if you just use the Dravet model for one other node on the spectrum.
before August 28 2014, i had no interest in vaccines, or autism.
but by 2016, i was a "one issue voter" any my ONE ISSUE was AUTISM.
and i went looking for a Presidential candidate in 2016, to tell me what i needed to hear, about autism,
i listened to them all, and most of them had very mushy, sleek, vague statements that probably didn't represent what the candidate actually thought, because the candidate didn't even have an opinion on these issues,
like a lot of people, including many of you reading this now...
BUT there was this ONE candidate, and he actually found ME!
i couldn't believe it.
here i was, minding my own business on twitter, and i get some of my tweets quoted by none other than DONALD J TRUMP !!!
4:22 AM · Sep 6, 2014 from New Jersey, USA
#vaccines #Shills insist #Autism starts in utero or genetic, but parents insist sudden onset after #vaccine"
4:34 AM · Sep 6, 2014 from New Jersey, USA
"@P01YN0NYM0U55 : ! @vikdam
@jamandatrtl imagine how mad you'd be to watch your healthy child crash hard after vaccine then doctors mock you"
i also discovered that Trump tweeted this...
7:35 AM · Mar 28, 2014
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
Trump claims to have "SEEN IT" during nationally televised debate.
watch debate until very end. Trump nails it!
Donald Trump and Dr Ben Carson Discuss Vaccinations and Autism at CNN GOP Debate
So, Dravet Syndrome also has one other aspect that is a very useful model for understanding, and that is, how they are systematically trying to shift the blame for Dravet AWAY from vaccines, and ON to "genetics".
just like how you watched how the obviously false SADS narrative unlocked the equally false SIDS narrative for a lot of people,
You can watch in real-time, as the establishment tries to bury Dravet under a mountain of medical babble.
Alleged cases of vaccine encephalopathy rediagnosed years later as Dravet syndrome.
Dravet Patients Have Abnormal Inflammatory Reaction to Vaccines - Study
WebMD edits their Dravet Syndrome page from
"the first seizure is often associated with vaccine administration at six months of age"
"the first sign of Dravet Syndrome is a seizure thats brought on when a baby has a fever"
How The Medical Establishment Is Changing The Diagnoses Of Dravet Syndrome To Make It Appear "Genetic", When In Fact Dravet is Vaccine Induced Genetic Mutation/ Gene Damage
Vaccines, Autism and Brain Damage: What's in a Name?
My son had seizures for the first 3 years of his life. They did brain scans and said they found nothing. Doctors were baffled.... I've always been against vaccines but unknown to me, they gave him a vaccine at the hospital when he was born and also at his first check up. (found out recently). I had had an emergency c-section followed by pneumonia from the breathing tube used during surgery.; then severe mastitis so it was a hard time. He's very smart in some ways but behavioral problems and very anti-social. My only child.