I totally called this; red states were targeted with a deadlier version of the covid shot, CDC confirms. Ho Lee Fuk. They tried to genocide conservatives!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Could be reporting bias.
Communists are less likely to report so their states look like they have fewer events.
Yes, “it possible that the blue state people are such ardent supporters of the jabs that they don’t report deaths being caused by jabs. The entire jab program could be horribly deadly in all states but only reported differently depending on the overall political leanings of the state reporting.”
Right I work in a blue state with a lib and she blames her stage 2 grade 3 or whatever it was breast cancer on hormones she took for a little while years ago. And her sister just had aggressive skin cancer removed off her cheek which was to the bone and huge but blames it on their skin type