Thread by @WarClandestine on Thread Reader App
@WarClandestine: 1) Something I need to address: If SARS-CoV-2 was created in Ukraine, what about Wuhan? Wasn’t that the origin? Sort of. Russia claims there were MULTIPLE pathogens, engineered in Ukraine, then traf...…
i've never believed it came from China & I also don't believe it "leaked". Also, whatever "it" is, I still don't know how people "know" they have "it". What even is "it"? It's coronavirus? Okay, good luck pinpointing which one...
Has anything regarding the big "coronavirus" that kicked all this off, even been legitimately identified? I've yet to see any evidence & all I've seen are bogus test kits that are basically pre-determined tests all made in China.
I believe there is a deeper reason why Ukraine was selected by Putin. Bioweapons, Nazism, global blackmail of puppet "leaders" & "authority" figures, etc.
The original Covid-19 virus has never been isolated.