I have come this morning to the inexcusable conclusion that we have fought on the wrong side.
This entire war we should have fought with the fascists against the communists and not the other way around.
I fear that perhaps in 50 years [appx 1995] America will pay a dear price and become a land of corruption and degenerate morals."
No… We probably should’ve fought the Bolsheviks before they killed the Tsar and also made sure Hitler made it into a casket in WWI. From the initial stand point of WWII we probably should’ve pushed Russia all the way back into their borders at the end, and let Germany fall the way it did. We didn’t fight the wrong sides. We just didn’t force the extremely weakened Russians back to Moscow when we had an EASY Military Strength Upper Hand. Instead we let them cut Berlin in half, taking everything East from there until the Wall fell.
Rockefellers brought all the fascist back to South America and USA. The Kaiser let loose the Bolsheviks, Kazarians, on Russia in WWI. The killing of the Romanovs propelled the Royal families of europe to circle the wagons and create the Nazi's.
Right. So if Hitler died in the trenches and the Romanovs survived…. We probably would still have those 7 plus million Jews, the 10s of millions of German and Russian people still alive, the millions of Polish people, thousands of other cultures exterminated, plus all the allied soldiers still alive. The European part of WWII might have never took place.
Now Japan and China were going to fight regardless. So I’m sure we would’ve been dragged into the Pacific theater still. But maybe not with Pearl Harbor being hit. It probably would’ve been more on their turf than all over the Pacific islands…maybe. Hard to tell. Maybe our involvement would’ve started at Midway, Guam, or the Philippines instead of Hawaii.
To many commies in the state dept. And govt at the time. They also gave most of the weapons to the communist in china,rather than the real govt.....