29 Derailments: A application of the Heglian Dialectic..... (politicalnewsreport.com) 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡 posted 2 years ago by Island_Photo 2 years ago by Island_Photo +29 / -0 The Hegelian Dialectic - The Political News Report Hegel and the Advancement of History Unless you’re either a political science or philosophy major, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
So, are you thinking this would crwte a Gov. run rail industry?
Big Pharma got their payoff for supporting the woke liberal agenda... Now it is time for another liberal dominated market sector...The EPA and Environmental Contractors....
More like (False Flag) Spills, Reaction, Administrative State Validated...(To counter West Virgina SCotUS Decision limiting EPA jurisdiction)