Used a Rasmussen poll that showed black people don't like white people. (something to that effect) Basically said it was best as a white person to stay completely distanced from black people.
Divide and conquer globohomo shit if you ask me. He's such a tool.
Couldnt do it. Anyone got a tldr? Nasally prick.
Used a Rasmussen poll that showed black people don't like white people. (something to that effect) Basically said it was best as a white person to stay completely distanced from black people.
Divide and conquer globohomo shit if you ask me. He's such a tool.
Thank you, fellow pede. And i agree, he's a clownshoe.
I bet 90% of the poll was answered by white soy milk lovers
I got warned with a day ban for similar sentiment a few weeks ago. I was right then and I still am!