( Nothing New ) - Your government has been giving your tax money ( and country ) away to illegal alien's for years. ( food / housing / medical / free cash - via Debit Cards - etc. ) And still to this very day - Americans hire illegals to mow their lawns / clean their homes / cut down their trees / haul trash off their properties - without brains enough to even fathom that our country is being ruined from within.
They have been secretly laundering it to themselves as well. In some ways a lot of us don't even know about. Tons of money goes missing from the government's budget every year. This video goes into a bit of it:
( Nothing New ) - Your government has been giving your tax money ( and country ) away to illegal alien's for years. ( food / housing / medical / free cash - via Debit Cards - etc. ) And still to this very day - Americans hire illegals to mow their lawns / clean their homes / cut down their trees / haul trash off their properties - without brains enough to even fathom that our country is being ruined from within.
They have been secretly laundering it to themselves as well. In some ways a lot of us don't even know about. Tons of money goes missing from the government's budget every year. This video goes into a bit of it: