posted ago by WhyAserverWasBuilt ago by WhyAserverWasBuilt +22 / -0

His review of Trump's help was that

"Trump is just gross!"

"Talking about Trump water!"

"Dissing on the president while he is risking his life in Ukraine."

(All false according to a CNN reporter on the ground)

Pete buttigieg could say nothing to these people today other than say yes he should have been there sooner. But Joe is still trying to cover for them all.

Jimmy Carter did a lot of humanitarian work and he was never talked about like this when he was helping others. It's clear this has backfired on them and they didn't care because 72% of those people in Ohio in that area voted for Donald Trump. This is criminal and if people can't see what Joe Scarborough is doing and how heinous it is.... He just needs to be gone.

Please let's figure out how to get rid of that man who had a dead girl in his Congressional office!