"It goes to note that many of these influencers latched onto the popularity of the Q phenomenon, and also Donald Trump, to help gain a viewership for themselves. They use Q and Trump in their disinformation claims, although Trump and Q have nothing to do with NESARA or the QFS, and have both never once mentioned them."
It's new age BS all the way down. This is a valuable article because it goes to the historical root of a lot of ideas and connects them to the Galactic Federation spinoff, which connect to the MedBeds, starseeds, plasma borers digging 10 km deep tunnels all over the world, and other fever dreams influenced by this person, White Dove of Consciousness.
PS Continuing past this paragraph is a list, incomplete, of the many connected scammers who frequently are mentioned here on GAW, including Charles Ward, Simon Parks, Godlewski, and SGA Anon.
I will ask him when he comes home from work. He worked for this company over 30 some years. He was their second employee. We know the owners well and one is like a father to my husband. They are conservative, based, love Trump attended rallies and went to J6. They would never say it if not true. The one owner was telling be about a frequency device you put under your bed. He and his brother, yhe other owner, bought them. Over 10K. The next physical they had it reversed many of their health issues. Doctors couldn't figure it out. The brothers are 78 and 82. I told him I would live to try buy the price was too high.
Just because some motel owner puts a can of concrete under a bed does not mean that medbeds are real and exist. It means that there are some shysters in PA that are making themselves rich by swindling gullible mopes of their hard earned cash. 100% of anything the medbeds talk about it pure bullshit. I am sorry if the owner of your husband's company is giving his money to a snake oil salesman.
I agree but was asking doesn't this statement include Q in the article stated about Trump and military?
The article refers to there is no plan if I am reading this correctly.
This is why I asked.
Scroll down. FTA:
"It goes to note that many of these influencers latched onto the popularity of the Q phenomenon, and also Donald Trump, to help gain a viewership for themselves. They use Q and Trump in their disinformation claims, although Trump and Q have nothing to do with NESARA or the QFS, and have both never once mentioned them."
It's new age BS all the way down. This is a valuable article because it goes to the historical root of a lot of ideas and connects them to the Galactic Federation spinoff, which connect to the MedBeds, starseeds, plasma borers digging 10 km deep tunnels all over the world, and other fever dreams influenced by this person, White Dove of Consciousness.
PS Continuing past this paragraph is a list, incomplete, of the many connected scammers who frequently are mentioned here on GAW, including Charles Ward, Simon Parks, Godlewski, and SGA Anon.
Thank you. This is why I asked because it confused me.
Thanks again Fren.
I forget. There are two med beds in Butler County PA. The owners of my husband's company went to see them. They exist.
I would like to know more about them. Pictures? Maker? Healing theory? Medical testimony? Patent?
I just talked to him. The one owner actually used the med bed. Here is the link.
I will ask him when he comes home from work. He worked for this company over 30 some years. He was their second employee. We know the owners well and one is like a father to my husband. They are conservative, based, love Trump attended rallies and went to J6. They would never say it if not true. The one owner was telling be about a frequency device you put under your bed. He and his brother, yhe other owner, bought them. Over 10K. The next physical they had it reversed many of their health issues. Doctors couldn't figure it out. The brothers are 78 and 82. I told him I would live to try buy the price was too high.
My physician friend was told by her naturopath that they have upgraded their electric in their clinic and will be receiving a med bed in Waukesha, WI
Any ETs who reached earth from another solar system have infinitely better technology that we appear to have. So why does that sound retarded?
Just because some motel owner puts a can of concrete under a bed does not mean that medbeds are real and exist. It means that there are some shysters in PA that are making themselves rich by swindling gullible mopes of their hard earned cash. 100% of anything the medbeds talk about it pure bullshit. I am sorry if the owner of your husband's company is giving his money to a snake oil salesman.
Believe what you want the man was the there.