312 NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam (jordansather.substack.com) For our new frogs... posted 1 year ago by Greekish 1 year ago by Greekish +318 / -6 NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam Detailing the background, history, and current frauds being ran by internet influencers using "NESARA Law" and "Quantum Financial System" disinformation 391 comments share 391 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Agree, I have seen bits of this as well, I guess as with every lie there are some elements of truth salted in at the center
The best lies take a portion of truth, then twist it to serve the (deceitful) agenda.
New World Order? You bet it's coming, but it's a new world order centering on God, freedom and truth, and it will be organic.
Well said.