As I have commented before, those pushing for him to leave need to sit down and shut up. His absence changes the calculus of the Senate. With him in place, the Ds could afford to allow Manchin or Sinema to vote against them and have the VP score one for their team. However now, if either one defects on a vote, it is lost (assuming Mittens and his cohorts stay in line). the VP cannot break a tie unless another senator also does not vote, so the lifeline is cut. The longer he hangs on the longer the Rs can block the O'Biden agenda.
Do the "Men in Black" know about this guy, might be an alien?
How come no talk about that lump removed from his neck (quattro)
As I have commented before, those pushing for him to leave need to sit down and shut up. His absence changes the calculus of the Senate. With him in place, the Ds could afford to allow Manchin or Sinema to vote against them and have the VP score one for their team. However now, if either one defects on a vote, it is lost (assuming Mittens and his cohorts stay in line). the VP cannot break a tie unless another senator also does not vote, so the lifeline is cut. The longer he hangs on the longer the Rs can block the O'Biden agenda.
Makes me wonder if the whole thing is being orchestrated. Democrats have a 'majority' in the senate that they cant even use