The 60 pack of white eggs at Wal-Mart is around $11. Are they real eggs? They killed off a lot of chickens. And why are store eggs all white instead of the color variety of farm raised.
I know stores sell things like impossible meat and morning star veggie meat. But are they labeling all fake meat? I have texture issues so i used to like the idea of the fake meat. Now it just sounds like something to avoid.
That is creepy, for sure. It’s also a good reminder of the age-old advice to always crack each egg into a separate dish from your recipe: gives you an easier time fishing out any stray piece of egg shell, but more importantly, if a farm-fresh egg has been partially incubated by a broody hen and is no longer good for cooking with, you don’t ruin whatever you were making. My dad (old farm boy) taught me that years ago, but I also had to learn it the hard way! Sorry about your pumpkin bread. 😖