I'm lucky...my husband won't watch any of the vids I recommend, as he'd rather watch his old westerns, but he listens to my rants faithfully and dutifully agrees with my opinions. He's older and served in Vietnam, has seen a lot in his lifetime. He is not surprised by anything that is happening today. But I miss chatting with friends over a couple beers. Oh well...I wish there was some kind of secure app where we can locate nearby anons for social discussions. I'm new to this area, so don't know many people other than my neighbors.
I'm lucky...my husband won't watch any of the vids I recommend, as he'd rather watch his old westerns, but he listens to my rants faithfully and dutifully agrees with my opinions. He's older and served in Vietnam, has seen a lot in his lifetime. He is not surprised by anything that is happening today. But I miss chatting with friends over a couple beers. Oh well...I wish there was some kind of secure app where we can locate nearby anons for social discussions. I'm new to this area, so don't know many people other than my neighbors.