Semite = Shem-ite. Son of Shem/Chem (spellings differ).
Shem's descendants were Isaac and Ishmael, the two Fathers of what have become "the Israelites"/the Jews (these two sound the same, but are actually very different, especially in modern times) and the Arabs/muslims (Not all Arabs are muslims, not all muslims are Arabs).
This is, btw, why Jews do not consider themselves "White". Or at least "observant Jews" do not. According to the Bible, they are Sons of Shem, and "Whites" are Sons of Japheth. Common Ancestor (Noah), but separate races now. Blacks/Asians are Sons of Ham.
Semite = Shem-ite. Son of Shem/Chem (spellings differ).
Shem's descendants were Isaac and Ishmael, the two Fathers of what have become "the Israelites"/the Jews (these two sound the same, but are actually very different, especially in modern times) and the Arabs/muslims (Not all Arabs are muslims, not all muslims are Arabs).
This is, btw, why Jews do not consider themselves "White". Or at least "observant Jews" do not. According to the Bible, they are Sons of Shem, and "Whites" are Sons of Japheth. Common Ancestor (Noah), but separate races now. Blacks/Asians are Sons of Ham.