posted ago by Morpheus11 ago by Morpheus11 +37 / -0

Many wish to know "what Covid is/was". While there is no single answer to a wide variety of different dis-ease conditions, as some had a "positive test" but never got sick in any way, some had a mild cold/flu for a day or two, and yet others suffered tremendous loss of vitality for weeks/months and even years on end. The following paragraph, written in 1890, describes the moderate to extreme "cases of Covid", including death, that occurred. For those willing to entertain a new idea, here it is:

"Place yourself in a house where there has recently been a panic or scare, though you may know nothing of it. You were well and strong the day before. You arise in the morning, and soon this whole train of disagreeable sensations affects you, because the house or place is saturated with a thought current of fear. Put a fear on a city, town or country of some deadly epidemic or some great calamity, and hundreds of the more sensitive who may have no fear of that epidemic or calamity are still affected by it disagreeably. That thought current affects them in their particular weak spot. A fanatic predicts some great catastrophe. The sensational newspapers take up the topic, ventilate it, affect to ridicule, but still write about it. This sets more minds to thinking and more people to talking. The more talk the more of this injurious force is generated. As a result thousands of people are affected by it unpleasantly, some in one way, some in another, because the whole force of that volume of fear is let loose upon them. Some are killed outright. Entirely unaware of the cause, they open their minds more and more to it, dwell on it in secret, put out no resisting thought until at last the spirit, unable longer to carry such a load, snaps the link which connects it with the body."

There is even more to "Covid" then this in my opinion, which is even harder to believe so I won't delve into this area. Needless to say, since so few are yet willing to contemplate such a possibility, the cabal is almost certainly preparing another such scamdemic in the future. Caveat emptor my fellow anons. Discard all fear!