And he's got tats so he's 'bad ass'. And sporty in his hi-heeled laceless tennies.
A firm manly grip on that big black microphone.....I don't see the issue. __ Gay Pirate
This person appeared on a publicly funded TV channel yesterday in a Finnish new music competition and also performed a pro-drug song telling people to eat magic mushrooms. Can somebody please nuke Finland?
Proud to be the old school type of "man". You know, the toxic type
If your gonna cross dress, at leat have some fasion sense. Just sayin
He kilt that song.
And he's got tats so he's 'bad ass'. And sporty in his hi-heeled laceless tennies. A firm manly grip on that big black microphone.....I don't see the issue. __ Gay Pirate
This person appeared on a publicly funded TV channel yesterday in a Finnish new music competition and also performed a pro-drug song telling people to eat magic mushrooms. Can somebody please nuke Finland?
Old generations were great but I think they add something to tap water today to feminize men.
Consider all the hormones peed into the water by millions taking birth control pills.
Research atrazine, pesticide . . . .
What the hell is that supposed to be?
Looks like a pattern, maybe incentivized. 5 female members of current Finnish government are YGL.
So asinine…