Because the system pushes her. The front of senior science textbooks in NSW Oz ..... Greta thunberg. Discuss how amazing she is ..... University assessments @ CSU. The system pushes her 🤢🤮
"this country is too forgiving". It's worldwide. I mean really get to know some pedo court cases and you'll find too many family members defending them. Even their own wife's who knows they genuinely did it 🤢
We have a legal system not a JUSTICE system
Looks like a frustration/anger type smirk to me. She's angry and fed up
Funny you compare the pair. My son is an apprentice mechanic. He said "mum I'm better than a doctor. They have people tell them their problems, where I have to figure it out myself" 😆 Mind you we sent him to private school because he was considering being a doctor. Then convid hit and he lost all interest in schooling.
Third leading cause of death and disability worldwide
Did you even comprehend what I said 🤦
SoUrCe!!! Literally in other news this morning on f.b 🤷🤦🤡
Results no different to the numerous psych studies already proving what we know.
Eg Milgram experiment Eg Asch conformity study.
Most are complying bots.
Come on now. Should be known Russia Russia Russia. Every darn movie points at Russia. Being programmed
I know we should be proud they've done this. But fark the police. Friends lost their jobs for holding the line They had numerous awards in bravery etc, Then got dumped for refusing to abuse society / take an experiment during convid.
We lost good cops because of convid.
Beside yourself?
Tell me you ain't that intelligent to begin with
No long term data to claim safe nor effective
These drugs are farked. Have well known numerous side effects. I mean they even tell you in uni likely to cause the issues you're apparently attempting to fix. (But hey sounds like virtually every big HARMA drug)
And if anyone defends this garbage tell me much you profit off the industry?
Of course those in big HARMA will defend this garbage 🤢
Mate claiming personal and professional experience doesn't mean it's the only answer. And if you work in psychology you should be well aware. Many drugs have side effects. And to claim imbalance in the brain implies you're old a.f because only old school would still believe that b.s
😆😂😆 Seen a job vacancy recently. Counselling sexual deviants. I own pigs.... Friend "yeah don't take that have the means now" 😆😂😆
I knew someone who was opening apart of this lodge. Probably still is of course.
Seen as a "great guy" in society.... Yet my dogs knew. They absolutely hated him. And my dogs weren't like that with anyone.
Doing a dan Andrews 😆
I'm stomachless. I don't absorb nutrients like the average person
I'm not sure if the *cocky part is legit. I think he knows his farked up.
Hydrate Iron and B12.
If these are depleted fatigue kicks in.
Personally I seek it naturally instead of *medication
Red meat, black strap mollasses
Horses have senses many wouldn't comprehend. I have a boy who didn't like people (could only imagine his prior life). Any kids or disabled were treated totally different by him.
I'm in Oz. I noticed summer turned to autumn early here too. It's winter at present and here we've had f all rain.
Yeap. And the sad thing is you are taught to identify fetal alcohol syndrome in psychology and then they ask you to praise her in a different psychology subject unit 😆😂😆