Yep. It was sobering to see Cutler warn that things could soon reach that point. When the storm really hits nobody is going to be thinking about popcorn.
To your other comment, I think every patriot should have this book. Those who have paid attention might not find many surprises inside, but it is an incredibly useful tool.
Mind if I ask... how else are you able to use this as a tool? Do some of the psyop activities become more obvious? I’m consistently not sure what the truth is these days... and trust? It feels at times that everyone is just a puppet.... it gets old.
I'm still reading, so can't answer your question fully. Thoughts so far:
It will be useful in explaining things to others. I can sit down and go over the concepts with them if needed. It also lays out a general course of action the patriot community should be taking to both fight back against the cabal, and prepare for the coming storm.
Thank you. [3-3] a bit unsettling....
Yep. It was sobering to see Cutler warn that things could soon reach that point. When the storm really hits nobody is going to be thinking about popcorn.
To your other comment, I think every patriot should have this book. Those who have paid attention might not find many surprises inside, but it is an incredibly useful tool.
Mind if I ask... how else are you able to use this as a tool? Do some of the psyop activities become more obvious? I’m consistently not sure what the truth is these days... and trust? It feels at times that everyone is just a puppet.... it gets old.
I'm still reading, so can't answer your question fully. Thoughts so far:
It will be useful in explaining things to others. I can sit down and go over the concepts with them if needed. It also lays out a general course of action the patriot community should be taking to both fight back against the cabal, and prepare for the coming storm.
Tell you what, I'll make a post showing the table of contents. Others may be interested as well:
Brilliant idea, thank you!