"It is odd what strange notions some people get concerning the meaning of scriptures they read in the Bible. As a young boy I was brought up in a church system that taught that every word in the Bible was to be taken literally, and that the word “trumpet,” where it appears in the book of Revelation, referred to a literal angel blowing an actual trumpet at the end of this age, announcing terrible judgments to be poured out upon the world. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth than such a crude and carnal notion. When Jesus said that He was the Vine and His disciples were the branches, He certainly did not mean that He was a literal vine growing out of the earth and that they were literal branches. When He told His disciples that they were the “salt of the earth,” He certainly did not mean that they literally were sodium chloride! The Bible is full of symbols and figures of speech, and Jesus spoke in such allegorical, parabolic, and spiritual terms that it is said of Him, “without a parable spake He not unto them” (Mat. 13:34). The term “trumpet” is a symbol of victory, battle, warfare, movement, feasts, deliverance, and a number of other meanings. The word “trumpet” appears approximately one hundred times in the Bible. In the Old Testament the word is found about eighty-five times, while in the New Testament it occurs only about fifteen times. The first mention of trumpets is recorded in the book of Exodus, the last in the book of Revelation."
Much more in the link:
People also get offended when you tell them that Christ said the kingdom of God is within. When we love each other we love the father.
Yes, heaven within, the church is in need, listening, waiting, wanting, recieving, going, moving