Was Xi Jinping held hostage by the Deep State with the Wuhan Lab Leak theory? — Was Covid-19 engineered in a US owned and funded bio-laboratory in Ukraine and later transported to Wuhan to frame China? — What happens now that China and Russia are allied against the western interests in Ukraine?

The Pompeo stance: distrust and verify.
I interact with the Chinese community regularly, and you can notice huge differences between those who are just newly here and those who have been here for years. Those who have been here for a long time tend to be more trustworthy because they have been gradually de-programmed from the communist values instilled after the Cultural Revolution. Those who are newly here or haven't been here for long tend to be very guarded and evaluate their options bases on monetary value alone. Have you ever encountered people trying to re-negotiate another 15% off the agreed upon sale price of a real estate property AFTER an accepted and signed offer? The newly arrived mainland Chinese would do that, if they believe they have an advantage.
It's very worth noting that these people are immigrants. The Chinese mainland is NOT full of immigrants.
China is an interesting place. In my neck of the woods we have oodles of chinese immigrants. Sometimes it feels like they are barbarians, with no sense of our Western ethics or behaviors, politeness and courtesy, etc. And, yes, monetary value seems to have a very high priority.
On the other hand, a very good number of these chinese immigrants are Christians, and they are very good Christians, in a culture that has lost a lot of connection with its Christian roots.
I'd be very hesitant in drawing too many conclusions about the Chinese population in general based on your interactions with immigrants and newcomers. I say this from the position of having been the foreigner in a foreign land for a few decades. In my experience, you cannot really draw too many conclusions until you've lived with a people in THEIR space for at least a few years.