Was Xi Jinping held hostage by the Deep State with the Wuhan Lab Leak theory? — Was Covid-19 engineered in a US owned and funded bio-laboratory in Ukraine and later transported to Wuhan to frame China? — What happens now that China and Russia are allied against the western interests in Ukraine?

Starving the CCP of capital and cut off trades is not realistic, they will just take from the people. The Chinese people might eventually fight back, but it would be a horrible bloodshed because they don't have guns like the American citizens do. Toppling the CCP using this method would cause unimaginable casualties, mostly innocent people.
The China-Taiwan relationship is very complicated, and the Taiwanese politics is not simple to understand either. The Nationalist party (KMT) in Taiwan had their roots going back to mainland China (the original Republic of China), and since the 80s their supporters have benefited from the increased trade with China. The ruling DPP, however, wants Taiwan to be officially recognized as an independent entity, but they still need the economic foundation. Taiwan depends too much on China for raw materials and other supplies now, so if the DPP goes fully bonkers and declare independence, never mind the threat of a Chinese invasion, just cutting off trades with China would do significant damages to the Taiwanese economy that would lead to the demise of the DPP.
Interesting information. It’s also good to know about the demographics on the mainland. I don’t know the actual breakdown, but there are significantly more unmarried men of fighting age (and a bit older now) who are able to fight in a land war. But so far, it seems most of the war has been info/psy ops/infiltration and now infrastructure threats.
Food supply is another interesting aspect —don’t know how much food China gets from us or what’s the real ownership percentage of farmland in the US held by China. Russia can certainly provide food and fuel to China.
Most people don’t realize what is going on and it’s terrifying. Going about their day and picking up dry cleaning.