"The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI), also abbreviated IN, DOE-IN, DOE/IN, I&CI, or OIC, was established in 2006 by the merger of pre-existing Energy Department intelligence and security organizations.
It is an office of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence activities throughout the DOE complex; due to this central role, OICI is designated DOE's Headquarters Intelligence.
As a component of the United States Intelligence Community in addition to the Department of Energy, OICI reports to both the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Energy.
"Since June 2019, OICI directors have also been charged which determining which foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs (e.g. Thousand Talents Plan) pose intellectual property and espionage threats. Foreign governments deemed to be "of risk" will have American DOE/NNSA researchers and contractors barred from participation."
"Directorates and agency structure - OICI is divided into at least five directorates:
Intelligence Directorate: Assesses the capabilities, intentions, and activities of foreign powers, organizations, and persons who may be targeting the Department of Energy for espionage.
Counterintelligence Directorate: Protects the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration from espionage and terrorism.
Management Directorate: Houses support activities for the other two directorates, including human resource services, contract support, and facility planning.
Energy and Environmental Security Directorate: Examines the impact of certain energy and environmental issues on U.S. national security, created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Cyber Intelligence Directorate: Includes the Cyber Special Programs Division.
AND ...
"The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI), also abbreviated IN, DOE-IN, DOE/IN, I&CI, or OIC, was established in 2006 by the merger of pre-existing Energy Department intelligence and security organizations.
It is an office of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence activities throughout the DOE complex; due to this central role, OICI is designated DOE's Headquarters Intelligence.
As a component of the United States Intelligence Community in addition to the Department of Energy, OICI reports to both the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Energy.
"Since June 2019, OICI directors have also been charged which determining which foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs (e.g. Thousand Talents Plan) pose intellectual property and espionage threats. Foreign governments deemed to be "of risk" will have American DOE/NNSA researchers and contractors barred from participation."
"Directorates and agency structure - OICI is divided into at least five directorates:
Intelligence Directorate: Assesses the capabilities, intentions, and activities of foreign powers, organizations, and persons who may be targeting the Department of Energy for espionage.
Counterintelligence Directorate: Protects the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration from espionage and terrorism.
Management Directorate: Houses support activities for the other two directorates, including human resource services, contract support, and facility planning.
Energy and Environmental Security Directorate: Examines the impact of certain energy and environmental issues on U.S. national security, created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Cyber Intelligence Directorate: Includes the Cyber Special Programs Division.