I’m a newbie to buying precious metals, in fact never have. I have 5k cash saved that I have been keeping out of the bank for obvious reasons. Now I’m looking to buy silver and gold. There’s so much info out there it’s hard to tell what’s real or not and makes my head spin. I live in Northern Virginia. Any anons out there in my area know the best place to buy these metals? I’ve also seen there is different types of silver and gold, so which is the best to buy? And where can I look to see the current “spot” (still a little unsure about what that means) price? Any help would be greatly appreciated for a young(ish) 30 year old guy who knows nothing about this topic!
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I'm great at mint marks, I've actually removed silver using acid and electricity. It was a fun experiment but I definitely understand why it's not very lucrative now.