The Earth will get colder in its own time.
The Earth will get hotter in its own time.
The Earth will get colder in its own time.
The Earth will get hotter in its own time...
The Sun is the controller of its planets.
The Sun has cycles upon cycles itself.
The Galaxy is likely the controller of the all the Stars in its realm.
I suspect that Galaxies have their own cycles.
What controls all of these things is ....
Mankind's hubris knows no bounds.
Mankind's effects and control is a myth of that hubris.
One is reminded of an adage of the comic genre...
"With great power comes great responsibility."
A precious few of US are capable of resistance to our darker selves if we acquired an over abundance of power. Those we see with the power reveal this fact.
I suspect this effect is universal throughout creation as well.
The Earth will get colder in its own time. The Earth will get hotter in its own time. The Earth will get colder in its own time. The Earth will get hotter in its own time...
The Sun is the controller of its planets. The Sun has cycles upon cycles itself. The Galaxy is likely the controller of the all the Stars in its realm. I suspect that Galaxies have their own cycles. What controls all of these things is ....
Mankind's hubris knows no bounds. Mankind's effects and control is a myth of that hubris.
One is reminded of an adage of the comic genre...
"With great power comes great responsibility."
A precious few of US are capable of resistance to our darker selves if we acquired an over abundance of power. Those we see with the power reveal this fact.
I suspect this effect is universal throughout creation as well.