Benjamin Franklin said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
In other words, something noble like the Constitution only works for decent human beings who have a conscience.
It does not and cannot work for evil, psychopathic criminals who have absolutely no conscience, because they will utterly ignore it and do whatever they want.
The United State Consitution, much like the Ten Commandments, is simply a set of guidelines for decent people who want a better life. There's nothing inherently in it to force anyone to behave, so the psychopaths don't.
It's up to the rest of us to deal with them.
You defeat psychopathy by breeding it out. Christian Europe had strict penalties for psychopathic behavior such as murder. They executed the psychos and got them out of the gene pool. The people remaining, minus the psychos’ murder victims, then had peace of mind and the freedom to have large families of empathetic, cooperative people. They outbred the psychos so much that their empathetic, compassionate mentality became known as being neurotypical. In less functional parts of the world, psychopathy was more typical than in Europe.
Part of the conspiracy against America and Europe has been the use of big government to breed psychopathy. Forced welfare has accomplished that to a great deal, under the facade of compassion. Immigration reform has brought in foreigners from higher psychopathy gene pools. BLM and police reform have lessened the punishment of psychopathic behavior. The cabal conducts widespread psychological profiling so they can identify people with psychopathic tendencies for promotion within cabal.
damn, son... I wish more people understood this. And for the new kids, a psychopath is simply a person with no empathy and therefore no conscience.
want to really change the world? Teach normies how to recognize and avoid narcissists and psychopaths. Don't make friends with them, don't work for them, don't marry them and for gods sakes don't reproduce with them.
that would change the world.
“Don't make friends with them, don't work for them, don't marry them and for gods sakes don't reproduce with them.”
Yes, great advice. The tricky part is that many of them are covert.
Spotting psychopaths is very necessary in business recruiting, but if you learn to look for it they become somewhat easy to spot. The are several books by Robert Hare that are very helpful for spotting Psychopaths, and once you've seen a few, the characteristics (like a fake smile at inappropriate times) become easy to spot.