Cycling teacher, 44, felt 'a disruption' in her body. 3 days later, she had a 'widow maker' heart attack
Ratona Harr was teaching a fitness class when she developed a widow maker heart attack. She survived and is now sharing the warning signs she missed.
Stupid bitch almost just died, makes no correlation that it was caused by the vaxx BTW.
Then she's in the hospital taking selfies for Facebook for likes and sympathy. She should be turning off her phone and doing more productive things with the short time she has left. She's already on borrowed time.
Her life will never be the same, there's no way she'll go on teaching bike classes. She'll be lucky to go for slow walks in a park from now on. She'll lose her 'identity' she's curated for herself.
Her Facebook 'friends' will soon fade away, because she's not part of the fitness nut job crowd anymore. Her family will treat her differently going forward. Always coddling her and worrying about when she'll die.
She now has a looming black cloud of death hanging very closely above her. If she's not religious she better use a large part of her time figuring it out.
But, she won't. She'll just keep hating conservatives, put gay and Ukraine flags up on her profile picture, and keep spouting off about BLM and how blacks are oppressed.
What a useless woman, what a waste of life.