Was Hagedorn’s election rigged? Why? Did Scott Walker throw his re-election? Why? Did Paul Ryan resign to spend more time with family?
Who did Hagedorn barely defeat? Why was there no recount? What stories were told during the campaign? What roles does the family play?
What is the relationship with the mayor of Racine? What is the relationship with elite billionaire pedophiles? Who is grooming a young boy adopted from Russia?
When was the fist symbol first used and why? What is French for Root?
How do they control all sides?
On December 1, 2020, coinciding with the Governor's certification of Wisconsin's election results—showing Biden as the victor by about 20,000 votes—President Trump's legal team petitioned the Wisconsin Supreme Court to intervene on his behalf to throw out hundreds of thousands of those votes.[19][20] On December 3, Justice Hagedorn again sided with the court's liberal minority, voting to reject the petition from President Trump's campaign on the procedural error that, according to Wisconsin law, any election challenges must originate in the Wisconsin Circuit Courts. Justice Hagedorn said of his decision, "We do well as a judicial body to abide by time-tested judicial norms, even—and maybe especially—in high-profile cases."[21][22]
The real story is much bigger than this.
Was Hagedorn’s election rigged? Why? Did Scott Walker throw his re-election? Why? Did Paul Ryan resign to spend more time with family?
Who did Hagedorn barely defeat? Why was there no recount? What stories were told during the campaign? What roles does the family play?
What is the relationship with the mayor of Racine? What is the relationship with elite billionaire pedophiles? Who is grooming a young boy adopted from Russia?
When was the fist symbol first used and why? What is French for Root?
How do they control all sides?
Hope there will be arrests.
There won’t be.
Who controls the legislature? Who controls the courts? Who controls the media? Who controls the governor?
What about international courts?
Where was the International Criminal Court conceived?
What meetings and rituals have been held at Wingspread, Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine, Wisconsin?
three years seems light for something bordering on treason.
3 years is nothing-out in 1 1/2.