Soon, if you worked to steal jobs Away from your birth Nation, your days on the future will be monitored. If you worked to steal jobs away and you are invited Ommigrant, you will be banished from ever doing business within that Trustong Nation.
As some Corporate Empires might crumble. All equity will be fairly preserved on equal value plus a time difference to get there. No pain from designed panic or the pain will snuff the originator.
Soon, if you worked to steal jobs Away from your birth Nation, your days on the future will be monitored. If you worked to steal jobs away and you are invited Ommigrant, you will be banished from ever doing business within that Trustong Nation.
As some Corporate Empires might crumble. All equity will be fairly preserved on equal value plus a time difference to get there. No pain from designed panic or the pain will snuff the originator.