Going to visit my woke family, looking for suggestions for what wokesters like to do.
So far I have:
1.Get booster shots and have a cardiac event
2.Look up local sex offenders and vote for them
3.It's women's history month. We could dress up in a vagina costume with dildo shoulder pads and "smash the fash"
4.We could groom my underage nephew to get on hormone blockers and cut his dick off.
Any other suggestions would be great. I really want to have a time to remember.
Inlove your humor.
My family is conservative, but they are still not awake like me. I would suggest simply enjoy them. They are tour family.
Dont bring up politics, wokeness or anything real. If they bring it up and look to you, ignore it if they press you tell them, our beliefs are so different on every level it doesnt nake sense to have this discussion.
By doing this you win, they will know you feel intellectually superior. It might piss them off but better than arguing with them all day.
If they press, tell them you love them too much to discuss subjecrs that will make them angry.
Wokesters cannot have a rational conversation, no reason to attwmpt it.