Yeah, how long have we been saying this and being labeled conspiracy theorists?
I say we now need to EMBRACE the conspiracy theorist label. Lean INTO that shit. Yer damn RIGHT we're smart enough to connect dots, recognize patterns, and identify actual criminal conspiracies.
Meanwhile the left wingers' conspiracy theories are beyond utterly ridiculous fantasies:
Trump is a Russian agent—who accidentally placed more sanctions on Russia than any other president in history! Be afraid!
A vast right-wing conspiracy of Trump-supporting patriots who love their country are actually BAD GUYS! Be afraid!
Anyone who reads 1984 or Lord of the Rings—undying classics that highlight for posterity the horrors of a totalitarian left-wing extremist govt—is a dangerous "RIGHT-wing extremist"! Be afraid!
The guns they keep on hand to defend their families and others from criminals are actually their tools of OPPRESSION of everyone who's afraid of guns! Be afraid!
All Trump supporters are—deep inside where we can read their minds—1930s-era white supremacists who want a return to slavery—but this time, instead of being mostly whites, it'll be ONLY for blacks! Be afraid! Fear fear fear fear fear!!!
Hey left wingers. Conspiracy theorists are busily saving your Republic. You're WELCOME, dimwits.
Yeah, how long have we been saying this and being labeled conspiracy theorists?
I say we now need to EMBRACE the conspiracy theorist label. Lean INTO that shit. Yer damn RIGHT we're smart enough to connect dots, recognize patterns, and identify actual criminal conspiracies.
Meanwhile the left wingers' conspiracy theories are beyond utterly ridiculous fantasies:
Trump is a Russian agent—who accidentally placed more sanctions on Russia than any other president in history! Be afraid!
A vast right-wing conspiracy of Trump-supporting patriots who love their country are actually BAD GUYS! Be afraid!
Anyone who reads 1984 or Lord of the Rings—undying classics that highlight for posterity the horrors of a totalitarian left-wing extremist govt—is a dangerous "RIGHT-wing extremist"! Be afraid!
The guns they keep on hand to defend their families and others from criminals are actually their tools of OPPRESSION of everyone who's afraid of guns! Be afraid!
All Trump supporters are—deep inside where we can read their minds—1930s-era white supremacists who want a return to slavery—but this time, instead of being mostly whites, it'll be ONLY for blacks! Be afraid! Fear fear fear fear fear!!!
Hey left wingers. Conspiracy theorists are busily saving your Republic. You're WELCOME, dimwits.
Never heard of Sauron, the embodiment of pure evil that lies in the East and controls all the Orcs and seeks to control everyone else?
Time for a reread - or the movies were pretty good too ;)