The mark of a true Christian is love for his brothers in Christ and obedience to Christ's/the Bible's commands. We must love each other! The Reformation returned Christianity to Scripture and the true Faith, Catholicism had long since its foundation strayed from truth and kept the people in darkness in order to maintain control. There are truly converted Catholics, but it is a man made religion with only a "form of godliness". Man and Satan try to defeat Christ, but "the gates of hell will never prevail against Christ's True Church"
The mark of a true Christian is love for his brothers in Christ and obedience to Christ's/the Bible's commands. We must love each other! The Reformation returned Christianity to Scripture and the true Faith, Catholicism had long since its foundation strayed from truth and kept the people in darkness in order to maintain control. There are truly converted Catholics, but it is a man made religion with only a "form of godliness". Man and Satan try to defeat Christ, but "the gates of hell will never prevail against Christ's True Church"
Let me see..., um.... no.