posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +66 / -0

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. — Luke 18:27

Space and space exploration has always fascinated me. Thankfully, my son has fallen in love with it too. He loves to sit with me and watch as rockets launch into space. As he was starting to become interested in rockets, I remember turning on a SpaceX launch one day. We watched the countdown and watched the rocket launch into space.

The launch was nothing spectacular in itself. It was a routine launch carrying satellites, but I recall the host speaking about future launches. They were describing technology that was being developed to once again allow people to go to the moon. She continued to describe how the goal was to put people on the surface of Mars. She made the statement, “we are going to accomplish what we once thought was impossible.”

There are many things in life that we have considered impossible. It could be something as big as going to Mars, the moon or simply making it through another day. Each of us has a different perspective about what is and is not possible. But I’m glad it’s not that way with God.

What you and I see as impossible, God sees as an opportunity. The problem is that we only look at things from our perspective. Our view is limited by our experiences in life and our determination of our ability. God’s view is not limited by experience and ability; He is God!

What has life brought your way that you believe is impossible? Is it making it through another day, a difficult circumstance, or a challenging career? Maybe it’s financial challenges, school challenges, or a situation at home that seems impossible to overcome. What may seem impossible to you is an opportunity for God to show you that He is indeed God and in control over all. Let Him show you what He can do!

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries