I know some very smart normies and conservatives who would rather be persuaded to join the circus than read Q posts. They have mental road blocks, such as the fear of judgement by their spouses or peers.
So that's the challenge. I want to develop a strategy for cracking the toughest cookies. I don't mean dogmatic libs; they're lost for now. I mean someone who is rational and respects you enough to allow a 20 minute sales pitch but will only give you one shot.
So it would have to be a simple and strong argument or proof, yet still within the city limits of Normietown. This means no Angela Hitler, no locking up Obama and Hillary in Gitmo, no Satanic pedos.
I'm thinking I would start by explaining that Q is a propaganda campaign by Military Intelligence to undermine the criminality of the Clintons, Obama, and the deep state. I think many normies can accept that. Then I'd move on to some juicy FISA gate posts. Or a personal favorite: Blunt and Direct Time. The Lord's Prayer is also a good one.
Let me know your ideas on which normie-friendly proofs or arguments you think are the strongest to start with.
If I hear someone say, "qanon", I ask, "Do you know what Q is?" if they say no but seem interested, I say it's a military psyop to take down a global crime syndicate that has been around for decades and infiltrated high levels of government, media and corporations.
I say, it's likely that the Q operation started right after JFK was assassinated because some patriots within the military understood that this crime organization had corrupted things enough that they could take down a sitting President.
They developed a plan, they called "The plan to save the world", and we are at the final stages of this plan now.
Part of the ending of the plan was to release information about the psyop to a select group of internet researchers, what you call "qanon", but are really just "anons".
Most of this plan is being conducted behind the scenes, and the criminal syndicate is fighting back (partly by trying to paint Q and the anons as "kooky qanons", which is why things seem so "weird" sometimes.
They either say, that's too far fetched, to which I reply, "Yeah it probably is" or they get even more interested after that.
The important thing is, as as soon as they don't seem interested, say that I'm insane, or push back against the idea, I stop talking to them about it. I don't push. You can get just enough good information in to make them curious about it. I emphasize that "Q" are the good guys, worldwide. I figure at the very least, the next time they hear "qanon" the thought will cross their minds, "Maybe those are the good guys?"
Yes. And it's good to remember that, even if a person may be dismissive at first, they will think about it some more on their own time, if they are at all independent thinkers. By the time they encounter the subject again, they will remember your comments and thoughts and be more familiar with it. Before they realize it, they will approach the subject with a more open mind.