I was sent to Vietnam back in 1969,.and at that time it was Communist North Vietnam fighting so called Democratic,.South Vietnam,.and they called it a War,.it was basically,China and Russia against the West,..Its basically the exact same scenario we see in the Ukraine,today,.,.Heres the thing Ukraine is not a NATO Country niether is it a member of the EU,.
You have the Chinese,& many Countries in the middle East and Countries in Central Asia.&,.many former Russian Territories,.,supporting Russia,.against the West.,So yeah I would call it WW3..it just hasnt been said out loud yet,..!
.Can all of the above,. please hurry down to your nearest Draft Enlistment office,.so we can get yous all signed up as quickly as we can and get you all on your way,..to Ukraine,.hahahaha...Thank You,.signed by,.J,Byeden,.US,.Resident,..cmon man...!!
I was sent to Vietnam back in 1969,.and at that time it was Communist North Vietnam fighting so called Democratic,.South Vietnam,.and they called it a War,.it was basically,China and Russia against the West,..Its basically the exact same scenario we see in the Ukraine,today,.,.Heres the thing Ukraine is not a NATO Country niether is it a member of the EU,.
You have the Chinese,& many Countries in the middle East and Countries in Central Asia.&,.many former Russian Territories,.,supporting Russia,.against the West.,So yeah I would call it WW3..it just hasnt been said out loud yet,..!
.Can all of the above,. please hurry down to your nearest Draft Enlistment office,.so we can get yous all signed up as quickly as we can and get you all on your way,..to Ukraine,.hahahaha...Thank You,.signed by,.J,Byeden,.US,.Resident,..cmon man...!!