Lets say 5 to 10 years down the road.
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I'd say a lot depends on DWAC and Truth future moves. For instance, if Truth just remains as-is, I don't see it skyrocketing anytime soon. The platform is currently limited and Elon buying Twitter took the wind out of its sails. If Truth leverages Rumble and develops some kind of cross-platform functionality w/ Twitter? And then Trump Media Group launches a REAL news network + incentivizes independent journalists based on their output (Perhaps with O'Keefe spearheading)... Truth/DWAC/TMG could become a top-tier resource to cover the Storm. And then evolve further into a monetized informational hub.
Cross pollinating with other Free Speech platforms while offering unique selling points is the ticket in my mind. If this all happens and the merger is completed? I could see DWAC surging, but it feels eerily dependent on how the ecosystem evolves and whatever the plans are to leverage Truth before/during/after the "Storm".
Just my $0.02...
XXXX DWAC Hodler/Voter + GME + AMC + Silverback Ape