**Edit: And THIS should outrage everybody EVEN MORE:
“They are data mining and psychologically profiling our kids. The questions they are asking are absolutely inappropriate in a school setting,” says Licwinko. “Schools have sold our children’s privacy to a data analytics company that is tracking attendance, behavior, and family’s financial status.”
Panorama Education, co-founded by Xan Tanner, who is the group’s president and is married to Garland’s daughter, claims it has made its way into thousands of schools in the United States, selling race-focused student and teacher surveys and conducting training on systemic racism and oppression, white supremacy, implicit bias, and intersectionality, all under the rubric of "Social-Emotional Learning.”
It includes a link to an article that calls both Ku Klux Klan members and President Trump's supporters 'examples of white supremacy.'
SEL as Social Justice: Dismantling White Supremacy Within Systems and Self,' the Panorama workshop in question, features several 'resources' for teachers, including one that links to a Medium article titled 'How White Supremacy Lives in Our Schools, written by Altagracia Montilla.
Montilla's piece, published in July of 2020, says 'the rise in images of overt white supremacy in the media feeds into the confusion about white supremacy. While the Ku Klux Klan and MAGAs at half-empty Trump rallies (not that these are mutually exclusive groups) are in fact examples of white supremacy, they are not the only examples.'
This was already known some time ago and Garland is still in his job - no conflict of interest?
Attorney General Garland’s son-in-law is Alexander Tanner, aka “Xan” Tanner. Mr. Tanner is currently the corporate secretary of Panorama Education Inc. Panorama promotes and profits from CRT and gender ideology indoctrination in schools across the country.
Publicly available corporate data shows billionaire oligarchs have invested as much as $100 million in Panorama. But Panorama’s website suggests a business model that depends on payments from credulous school boards using hard working American parents’ local and federal taxes. Panorama and its billionaire investors, it seems, aim to profit by “transforming” America’s children through woke indoctrination, while sticking their parents with the bill.
Accordingly, Mr. Tanner’s financial interest in a business that benefits from CRT and gender ideology indoctrination might render the Attorney General’s participation in measures to promote or protect such activities, including the October 4, 2021 memorandum, ethically problematic."
FOIA Request:
And is Xan Tanner (Xan derived from Alexander) the same person as this Ryan-Alexander Tanner interviewing the 'famous' Bill Ayers?
and here is Xan Tanner, husband of Merrick Garland's daughter:
There is no wiki artikel for Xan Tanner, but I found this regarding his family:
He is a son of Catherine M. Allegra and James M. Tanner of Boulder, Colo. The groom’s mother is a managing director, in Boulder, for IHS Markit, a British financial technology company, and is a trustee of Bryn Mawr College. His father is the founder and president, also in Boulder, of Just Good Advice, a company that automates advice for individual investors.
This was interesting from what you posted of connections with Zuckerberg & Yale 👉Panorama Education In 2012, Tanner and fellow-Yale graduates Aaron Feuer and David Carel founded Panorama Education, a company which used data and surveys to design school curricula. In 2013, after the three had graduated, Panorama joined technology incubator Y Combinator where Tanner and the co-founders met with Mark Zuckerberg and Y Combinator founder Paul Graham. The following year, the company relocated to Cambridge, Massachusetts, which became its permanent headquarters. Panorama received early funding from Zuckerberg, Google Ventures, Ashton Kutcher’s A-Grade Investments, SoftTech VC, and Yale University.
These connections are significant.
They are also connected with Racine, Wisconsin.
On this link they listed the state incorrectly but it is the corrupt superintendent of Racine, Wisconsin schools.
Good post u/eagle-eyes2020
Eric Gallien helped cover up an insane sex scandal in Racine schools where multiple kindergartners were caught having sex with each other. Here is an archive of a Voat thread discussing this. All of the comments are worth reading:
If I remember right, u/TrustTheTruth also once claimed Eric Gallien had a "third grade reading level" but I can't find his quote to verify this.
/u/eagle-eyes2020 u/7Nick9
He is barely able to read or speak coherently, which is why he is so useful to those in command. He does not make any decisions, nor is he capable of doing so.