The Superbowl being the 3rd most watched TV program every tells me normies ain't waking up to shit. This idea that every bad thing that happens is really just a chess move to wake up the normies feels like cope. Even if it's true that means Trump and Q team are working through deception. But that actually makes sense since "darkness to light" is how Masons describe their initiation rituals
There's a large school of thought on here that Patriots are in control, that Trump is shadow president but we need to see how bad things are without him in order to learn our lesson. The schizo tier Q proofs which would have to imply everything is under patriot control in order to have any validity, all these things point to a worldview that only makes sense if everything is a chess move. So if you feel like taking these things to their logical conclusion is a strawman let's focus on you, what do you believe?
Again referring back to that school of thought that Patriots are in control, Trump is shadow president, this is all a movie, Q team is letting these things/forcing these things to happen so we see how bad these people are etc. If that's true means there is a great deception being pulled on the masses. In that way the "truth" will be revealed through deception. Are those the fruits of the Lord? Dark to light. Masonic initiation.
Again, the Superbowl numbers don't lie (unless they're made up of course). What I notice are some people realizing things are shitty. Maybe they blame Biden or "COVID". Some people now realize COVID is a hoax, maybe they say it's a lab leak from China (as that's now an accepted narrative). Even the rare one that does say it was probably a global population reduction scheme don't hold other views in congruence with that. That to me is not waking up it's just another flavor of downloading narratives
I don't know I guess not enough to be a 17D chess master like you. I notice you didn't actually address any of the actual points so I'm not going to engage any further
The Superbowl being the 3rd most watched TV program every tells me normies ain't waking up to shit. This idea that every bad thing that happens is really just a chess move to wake up the normies feels like cope. Even if it's true that means Trump and Q team are working through deception. But that actually makes sense since "darkness to light" is how Masons describe their initiation rituals
Who said everything bad that happens is a chess move? Strawman arguments are pathetic.
What deception do you speak of?
How long have you been observing normies? I personally observe normies waking up.
There's a large school of thought on here that Patriots are in control, that Trump is shadow president but we need to see how bad things are without him in order to learn our lesson. The schizo tier Q proofs which would have to imply everything is under patriot control in order to have any validity, all these things point to a worldview that only makes sense if everything is a chess move. So if you feel like taking these things to their logical conclusion is a strawman let's focus on you, what do you believe?
Again referring back to that school of thought that Patriots are in control, Trump is shadow president, this is all a movie, Q team is letting these things/forcing these things to happen so we see how bad these people are etc. If that's true means there is a great deception being pulled on the masses. In that way the "truth" will be revealed through deception. Are those the fruits of the Lord? Dark to light. Masonic initiation.
Again, the Superbowl numbers don't lie (unless they're made up of course). What I notice are some people realizing things are shitty. Maybe they blame Biden or "COVID". Some people now realize COVID is a hoax, maybe they say it's a lab leak from China (as that's now an accepted narrative). Even the rare one that does say it was probably a global population reduction scheme don't hold other views in congruence with that. That to me is not waking up it's just another flavor of downloading narratives
Are you a trained martial artist?
How long have you been observing the world around you?
I don't know I guess not enough to be a 17D chess master like you. I notice you didn't actually address any of the actual points so I'm not going to engage any further