IT IS ALWAYS WORSE BEFORE it gets better and NOTHING like giving ones life in the Service of the Lord...
Wanna find peace during this time: pray...
It calms the Spirit and puts one in a happier mood...Me thinks we should have a prayer post and people add their prayers too it --- oh, once a week maybe and keep encouraging others to do the same!!!
ANY of the malcontents that want too do us harm will find out that WE as a whole, WEAR THE ARMOR OF GOD!!!!
IT IS ALWAYS WORSE BEFORE it gets better and NOTHING like giving ones life in the Service of the Lord...
Wanna find peace during this time: pray...
It calms the Spirit and puts one in a happier mood...Me thinks we should have a prayer post and people add their prayers too it --- oh, once a week maybe and keep encouraging others to do the same!!!
ANY of the malcontents that want too do us harm will find out that WE as a whole, WEAR THE ARMOR OF GOD!!!!
And purkiss80....many thanks for posting this...