Anyone have any idea about the door that was blurred out in Tuckers report? He mentioned it was blurred at request of Capitol Police.
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He said we would barely notice it and quickly moved on. Tucker saying don’t look at this, basically is telling us to look into it.
Did the door lead to the tunnels under the capitol?
That or an otherwise restricted area. There’s probably various hardened rooms and various secure areas scattered around the capital for all sorts of reasons.
Personally speaking. If there was an entrance to tunnels. I don’t think they’d have it in an area readily accessible to anyone on staff. Or at least I wouldn’t. Too much risk of a Janitor or a Mall Ninja guard of the capital police ending up somewhere they shouldn’t be while doing their rounds.
I’d personally Set it inside a rarely used meeting room or something. And label it something innocuous like “Office Supplies”. It’d pass casual inspection of anyone not in the know. And you’d have the cover to vanish for hours at a time in the guise of having a “Meeting” in said room.
The capital and probably 20 blocks surrounded all have tunnels. Supreme Court Rayburn Longworth Cannon Library of Congress Hart Russel all connected underground. More than likely up to Union Station to the North and there's a small power plant that generates steam heat for the whole area to the south.
It would be a door to a room,wear they have security to check id's and the real door to the tunnels.....