Strange goings on in Poland, where apparently a huge batch of disfigured dead bodies was discovered in a mining shaft.
More than 500 military corpses found in Polish mine, including military personnel
The burial ground was found in the Bogdanka coal mine (40 km from the border with Ukraine). Now the Polish military has come to the place to conduct conversations with hard workers. Several miners were taken to Lublin after interrogation.
There are rumors among the Poles that the bodies of foreign mercenaries who died in the NVO zone were brought there. According to another version, these are the bodies of wounded UAF soldiers, who were torn apart into organs, allegedly being taken to Europe for “treatment”.
The miners say that there may be several burial grounds, since the tunnels are periodically filled up.
It is obvious that the Poles will “swallow” this state of emergency, as well as the incident with a Ukrainian missile hitting a Polish tractor.
And another:
👉 Polish officials are trying to prevent a scandal from breaking out: in the Bogdanka mine, miners discovered a burial approximately five-hundred bodies of men in the remains of military uniforms, some pieces of clothing have chevrons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
🔹At the moment, special services are conducting investigations with employees who discovered a terrifying find in an abandoned shaft. After interrogation, some of the miners were transported to Lublin. Many Ukrainians work in the facility (the mine is located 40 km from the Ukrainian border), thanks to which secret information was leaked to Ukraine.
👉 People say that the bodies found, they say, have been disemboweled, and they are sure that they are wounded Ukrainian soldiers who, under the guise of treatment, were brought to Poland by black market transplantologists.
It’s something to file away for now, for future reference. Especially in light of another rumor that the Poles plan to build a base in the Volyn region of Ukraine, staffing it with local Ukrainian territorial defense (for now).
According to an unofficial version, the construction of the base says that the Poles, being drawn into the war, are preparing to increase the size of the Polish group and deploy the appropriate infrastructure. Warsaw continues to prepare a backup plan to send its military to Western Ukraine if the war drags on. As reported, recently in Ukraine, a subordinate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Polish legion" was created, the base of which is located in the Kiev region.
I’ve previously reported the rumor that the Polish president has offered to ‘keep the Western regions warm’ for Ukraine—i.e. annex them ‘temporarily’ so as to prevent Russia from attacking them, the logic being that Russia wouldn’t attack a territory being ‘squatted’ on by a full-fledged NATO member.
And for those who might balk, and perhaps either weren’t following the conflict from the get-go, or have short memories, allow me to remind you that almost exactly a year ago from today, Poland had already openly called for NATO intervention in Ukraine—not only in the form of a ‘peace-keeper mission’ but even a ‘no fly zone’.
Poland is a NATO member. The war in Ukraine was about it remaining a neutral State and not joining NATO. I don't see how Russia will allow NATO Poland to annex western Ukraine. You mention a DMV area. That was supposed to be Ukraine from the beginning.
Romania is also a NATO member with the similar issues as Poland. I think you are referring to Transnistria above, which is a Russian-speaking region of Moldova. The history of Transnistria actually started with the independence of Moldova after the Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union broke up. So, when they say "break away" region, it had already broken away from the very beginning. Moldova itself historically has been a buffer state between Europe and the Ottoman Empire. It is still viewed as a buffer State except it is more between Slavic and Romanian peoples. Moldova has a majority of Romanian speakers. Transnistria is predominantly Russian. The Danube River borders Transnistria from Moldova.
Ukraine historically has never been a State. Even the meaning of Ukraine gives us insight to what it always was. Ukraine means "border land'. And that was how it was interpreted. The Pale of Settlement was in this region. Throughout history this region was always under the rule of different conquering armies that came from the four directions of the compass. The only time Ukraine became a nation was when the Soviet Union broke up. Under the Soviet era, it was an artificial administrative S.S.R. created and it's borders were redrawn many times mostly for economic and logistic reasons. This went on until the Soviet Union ended.