I’ve actually met Jacob chancily in person. This was long before the January 6 event. We met in Arizona at one of the rallies at the capital. He was actually a pretty chill person. He always wears the costume, and he talks about how he goes around the city and praise for human trafficking and stuff like that. He points out locations where he feels human trafficking is occurring, and prayers against evil spirits in places like downtown Tempe. Yes, he is a vegan, but he also takes a lot of mushrooms. It’s part of his spiritual journey I guess. I can’t say he’s Christian, so there’s that. However; he may be after this experience. Are used to watch his channel, and he is so far down the rabbit hole, he points out everything to do with MK ultra, secret, societies, and the evil of our government. The only thing I didn’t agree with was the mysticism stuff. But that’s just because I’m a Christian. I know there are a lot of people here who are into that. I think I spoke with him personally face-to-face two times that I remember. To be perfectly honest, I think he’s a very idealistic person, and his intentions on going into the capital were honest, but they took advantage of his naïveté. No one should be in prison for entering the capital. No one. For you to say so would mean that you admit that he broke the law and I don’t think that he did. I can honestly say that because I was actually at the capital on January 6. The entire narrative has been nothing but a big lie. I’ve known it all along, but had no proof. We’re getting the proof now. I think the entire operation was a big psyop and he got caught up in the middle of it. What easier way to distract people, and bring attention to an event, than with a character, such as the QAnon shaman?
Fair enough, you could be right. When I say he deserves his current predicament, that was based on a belief that he was paid to bring disrepute to this movement, which is a serious movement. Essentially I was saying that in the belief he was a traitor to this movement. If he is not a traitor to this movement then I shall happily retract that sentiment, without hesitation.
The FBI or informant people who seeded the j6 incident to have people locked up for it, those people deserve prison because they bore false witness. I had him in that camp, if I am wrong then fine, I retract. We will have to see it play out.
I agree with you when it comes to the FBI plants. It may appear at this point in time that he could be, but to be perfectly honest, I think he was a patsy. I think they totally used him, because he truly believes in his belief system, his shaman, ways, and all that business. I think somebody in this thread posted a link to his rumble page, and some of his videos may still be up. Just depends on how much time do you want to dig. God bless and have a great night.
I’ve actually met Jacob chancily in person. This was long before the January 6 event. We met in Arizona at one of the rallies at the capital. He was actually a pretty chill person. He always wears the costume, and he talks about how he goes around the city and praise for human trafficking and stuff like that. He points out locations where he feels human trafficking is occurring, and prayers against evil spirits in places like downtown Tempe. Yes, he is a vegan, but he also takes a lot of mushrooms. It’s part of his spiritual journey I guess. I can’t say he’s Christian, so there’s that. However; he may be after this experience. Are used to watch his channel, and he is so far down the rabbit hole, he points out everything to do with MK ultra, secret, societies, and the evil of our government. The only thing I didn’t agree with was the mysticism stuff. But that’s just because I’m a Christian. I know there are a lot of people here who are into that. I think I spoke with him personally face-to-face two times that I remember. To be perfectly honest, I think he’s a very idealistic person, and his intentions on going into the capital were honest, but they took advantage of his naïveté. No one should be in prison for entering the capital. No one. For you to say so would mean that you admit that he broke the law and I don’t think that he did. I can honestly say that because I was actually at the capital on January 6. The entire narrative has been nothing but a big lie. I’ve known it all along, but had no proof. We’re getting the proof now. I think the entire operation was a big psyop and he got caught up in the middle of it. What easier way to distract people, and bring attention to an event, than with a character, such as the QAnon shaman?
There was also the older guy dressed as 'uncle sam' that was entertaining.
YES! I have a picture of him too!
Fair enough, you could be right. When I say he deserves his current predicament, that was based on a belief that he was paid to bring disrepute to this movement, which is a serious movement. Essentially I was saying that in the belief he was a traitor to this movement. If he is not a traitor to this movement then I shall happily retract that sentiment, without hesitation.
The FBI or informant people who seeded the j6 incident to have people locked up for it, those people deserve prison because they bore false witness. I had him in that camp, if I am wrong then fine, I retract. We will have to see it play out.
I agree with you when it comes to the FBI plants. It may appear at this point in time that he could be, but to be perfectly honest, I think he was a patsy. I think they totally used him, because he truly believes in his belief system, his shaman, ways, and all that business. I think somebody in this thread posted a link to his rumble page, and some of his videos may still be up. Just depends on how much time do you want to dig. God bless and have a great night.