Don't be frustrated with Tucker and the pace of the big J6 reveals. He's hit an artery! Let him take his time and milk this special moment for maximum pain! The real show isn't the J6 footage, IT'S THE PANIC IN DC! "Threat to our democracy, REEEEEEE!" 🤣👍
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There's an understandable feeling from anons who want to be vindicated to their Normie friends. Years of being perceived as a kook has worn many people down. They know the Sheep watch the TV and they want the Sheep to know they were right.
The Deep State's greatest asset is its propaganda media. There is no way in hell its propaganda media is going to be used to destroy itself
I wish this didn't drive me so hard, and I've gotten a bit better at letting God take control of this. It's just going to happen how it happens. We'll see. But, it hurts. I'm now divorced (she secretly got vaxxed), lost tons of friends, it's crazy. The outside world doesn't function anymore.