But couldn't it also draw more attention to it? Helllloooo? Streisand effect???
People seen this stuff, normies saw it. They seen a different narrative, they seen chuck calling for censorship, now it stops... Wouldn't that be a red pill in itself to many?
Maybe I'm being optimistic, but perhaps people, many people, were actually interested in seeing things they hadn't seen before, then it's jerked away, and now they're suspicious, angry even.
Obviously I hope more still comes out, but a little break in between isn't necessarily all doom and gloom.
But couldn't it also draw more attention to it? Helllloooo? Streisand effect???
People seen this stuff, normies saw it. They seen a different narrative, they seen chuck calling for censorship, now it stops... Wouldn't that be a red pill in itself to many?
Maybe I'm being optimistic, but perhaps people, many people, were actually interested in seeing things they hadn't seen before, then it's jerked away, and now they're suspicious, angry even.
Obviously I hope more still comes out, but a little break in between isn't necessarily all doom and gloom.