I share this because a man I read once knew became a shell of his former self:
A strong, self righteous man who taught gospel based principles to help improve himself and others.
Unfortunately he bought into getting the vhx to help others along with one booster. The damage took effect almost immediately.
Never encountered any forms of a depressive nature, yet after the first 💉 he changed over a month.
Found out yesterday due to a brief disagreement with his wife of almost 40yrs went for a drive to never come back. Used a gun to end his life.
Wonderful wo/men's light, kindness is being utter destroyed and or altered. Family and extended family mbrs are within a deep emotional state of Shock Trauma Response.
The wife is now slowly putting the piece's together.
I'm here allowing her to ask questions.
Buffering with much kindness as possible.
Deep down she knows..
Breaks my heart to pieces that it took her husband away to start to awaken.
Prayers are truly needed for those who are good in heart and spirit.
I am in no place judge. I've made numerous, numerous bad choices in my life. Without others lifting me when I could not..
Also, one of the Fruits of the Spirit is Self-Control.
I share this because a man I read once knew became a shell of his former self:
A strong, self righteous man who taught gospel based principles to help improve himself and others.
Unfortunately he bought into getting the vhx to help others along with one booster. The damage took effect almost immediately.
Never encountered any forms of a depressive nature, yet after the first 💉 he changed over a month.
Found out yesterday due to a brief disagreement with his wife of almost 40yrs went for a drive to never come back. Used a gun to end his life.
Wonderful wo/men's light, kindness is being utter destroyed and or altered. Family and extended family mbrs are within a deep emotional state of Shock Trauma Response.
The wife is now slowly putting the piece's together. I'm here allowing her to ask questions. Buffering with much kindness as possible.
Deep down she knows..
Breaks my heart to pieces that it took her husband away to start to awaken.
Prayers are truly needed for those who are good in heart and spirit.
I am in no place judge. I've made numerous, numerous bad choices in my life. Without others lifting me when I could not..
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen
Sorry, but it seems mighty selfish to me.
GOD informed WILL says we are to make the effort.
Live by example. Everything we do, say, think, ripples through eternity effecting the whole.