but people definitely had issues that caused hospitalization with breathing difficulties, coagulation issues, and elevated inflammatory markers.
Every single one of these anecdotal observations can be made about advanced Influenza. Consider what the Lancet indicates regarding Influenza and the "Coagulation issues" and "inflammatory markers":
Coagulation pathway abnormalities can be provoked by activation of endothelial cells and result in critical illness from vascular leak and disseminated intravascular coagulation, further contributing to inflammatory injury.
For those reading who dont know what "disseminated intravascular coagulation" is, it's just a fancy way of saying serious blood clots throughout the body.
...I’m very open to not believing all the lies pushed by the government, big pharma, and other parts of the cabal network. As a general rule, I don’t believe anything they say these days. However, simply saying something like covid doesn’t exist isn’t good enough. It may not be what they say, but it is something besides a total psyop.
Something was released and caused illness in millions of people. Coagulopathies, breathing issues with low O2 sats, atypical pneumonia like illness per chest X-rays, various increase in inflammatory markers, etc.
Yes, the release was coupled with a huge psyop that pushed everything as covid complete with false positive testing, but what caused the legit illness I described above?
Alright, so we agree on a few points here. Lets start from what we agree on: We can't trust the Media & Government.
Would you also agree that Big Pharma and Big Medicine are in bed with (and in collusion with) the Government? If so, then we should have a healthy (no pun intended) skepticism for what Big Medicine is telling us about what we saw with "covid."
Now, it sounds like you are working in the Western Medicine environment and are steeped in it's knowledge, but still skeptical about the explanations given what you saw in the hospitals. Would that be accurate?
If relatively accurate, then would you be willing to point blame on flu vaccines administered in 2018 - 2019? Could [they] have started injecting people with mRNA in the flu shots leading up to the 2019 "outbreak?" So it would appear, then, that we have a new outbreak when in reality all the symptoms you were seeing were actually caused by the inoculations? Then, in 2020 we have a major worldwide mRNA rollout leading to the real "pandemic?"
We know that the symptoms caused by the Gene Therapy shot are the exact same as what we are "told" the covid symptoms are.
Every single one of these anecdotal observations can be made about advanced Influenza. Consider what the Lancet indicates regarding Influenza and the "Coagulation issues" and "inflammatory markers":
~ Lancet
For those reading who dont know what "disseminated intravascular coagulation" is, it's just a fancy way of saying serious blood clots throughout the body.
Great ad hominem arguments. <thumbs up>
Alright, so we agree on a few points here. Lets start from what we agree on: We can't trust the Media & Government.
Would you also agree that Big Pharma and Big Medicine are in bed with (and in collusion with) the Government? If so, then we should have a healthy (no pun intended) skepticism for what Big Medicine is telling us about what we saw with "covid."
Now, it sounds like you are working in the Western Medicine environment and are steeped in it's knowledge, but still skeptical about the explanations given what you saw in the hospitals. Would that be accurate?
If relatively accurate, then would you be willing to point blame on flu vaccines administered in 2018 - 2019? Could [they] have started injecting people with mRNA in the flu shots leading up to the 2019 "outbreak?" So it would appear, then, that we have a new outbreak when in reality all the symptoms you were seeing were actually caused by the inoculations? Then, in 2020 we have a major worldwide mRNA rollout leading to the real "pandemic?"
We know that the symptoms caused by the Gene Therapy shot are the exact same as what we are "told" the covid symptoms are.
What do you think about that line of thinking?