One thing the trials and tribulations of the DJT era since 2016 onward has asked us all to do is screw our courage to the sticking place to quote MacBeth.
Hopefully that makes some kind of sense to you all, it is almost past words trying to describe ALL THE WAYS the decision to get onboard with us can change and shape events in our lives. Maybe that's what happens when you let the light of truth shine in to a den of lies. A den that has been cast in darkness for a long time now.
Yet the J6 footage release and the subsequent aftershocks might be the BEST PLACE TO START, if you're looking for a defining event that draws lines between the many earnest Americans in search of truth and the wicked few in the seats of power, trying to blind us continually in clouds of lies.
The recent outcry over Tucker's episodes focused on J6 and the total upending of the government narratives about that event that it caused was a completely "signal not noise" event. You knew this once you saw the Majority Leader of Senate CALL FOR ACTION by his news organization.
Keep in mind the same man said about Trump "the deep state has six ways to Sunday of getting back at you." I wonder if Schumer was ever nicknamed "the knife." 🤣
But lets think here. Murdoch is a powerful man but would that be enough to blot out the truth and stop the news, at least temporarily?
Poso has something JUICY to share about that.
There we have it. They almost CERTAINLY have stalled for time NOT JUST through media and political outcry (which came with a speed that has actually ASTONISHED the normies, it was so fast) but most likely they entreated for an ADDITIONAL security review, to prevent any "unwarranted" spillover. Only Dems get to accidentally share stuff like that, as you'll hear Kevin McCarthy say in one of my clips further along in this write up. The point is that you can BET there were MANY PEOPLE who were "in on it" that being the "movie" of J6 both Republican and Democrat - partisanship had to take a backseat when it came to the ouster of the MAGA effort to wrest control of our government back, after all.
A lot of what surrounds J6 was theater. Who is Jayden X for example? Asking about the various participants in the crowd and specifically who remains unidentifed, or how you disappear completely off the FBI Most Wanted list WITHOUT BEING FOUND AND DETAINED.... well, now you're asking the right questions! If you look into who Jayden (Sullivan) is the son of, that looks pretty spicy. It got mentioned during the 'Earth' podcast that was stickied up here for close to a week.
One of the J6 defendants representing themselves is asking about the identities of 3 particular plainclothes DC Metro Police who were filmed during the Ashley Babbitt shooting and had entered behind her, they were apparently instigating and entreating people to enter the building before that also. The judge has the info of their identities under protective seal and the defendant is raising this to a higher authority to strike that down most likely.
Its mentioned at about 43 minutes in, whole thing is worth a watch though. Julie Kelly has her finger on the pulse of MUCH amazing and remarkable info about J6...
We're almost over the target now. If they figured out and released info showing that J6 was THE CAPSTONE on THE ENTIRE ELECTION FRAUD ENTERPRISE OF 2020 and that was disseminated to the American public it could be catastrophic to the entire Intel-National Security complex and cause unprecedented, unparalleled shifts in the orchestration and management of the whole business. The [DS] plugged the hole in the bottle with their fat, chubby fingers the best the way they know how to: a good ol' FALSE fucking FLAG. Except they aren't as "hip" and "with it" as they used to be, and just like the Texas elementary school and George Floyd (when you even a tick closer at it) there are some obvious and very weird cracks in the narrative.
The unprecedented freakout you've seen by the MSM and the captured politicians in the Uniparty is ABSOLUTE PROOF of this. We're touching on the wound. They can't have that, the whole sham might come undone like a poorly wrapped bandage with any SERIOUS analysis of this footage.
It's likely Tucker and his crew found this out and are hanging in the balance right now with an incredible story to tell and they may already have the episode made and queued up, but Murdoch and their own network put the brakes on them at the last moments.
I went back and watched. Guess what? He's right! The whole thing is off and awkward. The most definitive moment to prove this was during their interview with the Capitol policeman (MAGA hat) where at one point they reference his supervisor (I forget her actual name, let's call her Yolanda) and say something like: "Yolanda Pittman never handed down the intelligence she'd been given."
Wait, who the fuck is she??? It DOES become clear afterward that Yolanda was this guy's boss, BUT THEY NEVER INTRODUCED HER. Tucker and ALL shows like this ALWAYS INTRODUCE THEIR FOILS with some type of opening. They make it so even dumb and half awake you can follow along. Not here. I don't think they even say "his supervisor" until later.
Now its Thursday and TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT is LEADING OFF WITH International Women's Day. Sorry to get a little off topic but it is CRYSTAL that this lineup for the week has been course corrected.
Listen to Beck and Tucker here.
It's a long convo so for those short on time I'll surmise: they talk about and around the J6 footage and what's going on with it, his producers hard work etc. What I'm flagging for you to notice is just how MUCH Glenn keeps commiserating with him and encouraging him, it was PROFOUND to me. You'd think Tucker was in the most distressing time of his life the way Beck sounds - and unbeknownst to us he probably is.
What is this business now of haranguing Tuck for his text messages? Why did they see fit to put him over a barrel like this, with a piece attempting to play the MAGA crowd against HIM? (their SUPREME PROPHET, in the minds of the moron CNN execs and writers) I'd just suggest this: although these texts already came out, weeks ago in fact (part of the Dominion suit) but there's no better time to kick a man than when he's down, in Lib land. 🤣
You can bet your bottom dollar they are HOPING and PRAYING for shake ups and "bloodletting" as they describe at Fox, and it's quite possible that happens, especially if Carlson's team rolls out what they have in spite of the calls from the boardroom. You've already got a couple camps within Fox - and of course, CNN is trying here to emphasize that Tucker is NOT worthy or for real enough to be in the one he is currently at the head of.
Don't forget however that the same Tucker Carlson FLEW OUT to a dinner party in progress just to find Trump and give him the business! If he despised and loathed Trump (and more importantly, the people who make up Trump's camp) so much would that have happened? If he wasn't familiar and even close with Trump would it?
Personally, I'd wager that Carlson's view of DJT has probably developed a LOT post-presidency (his stock has gone up with many people like that) and more importantly that Tucker's character should be judged on the care and compassion he shows toward the audience he and Trump share - and you just know if they found anything like that, of Carlson calling "deplorables" by their name, they'd have been ALL TOO EAGER to share it.
Look, Carlson's a rich kid and he knows he can be capricious and snooty. He's also a working stiff and a company man judging from his career and decisions made over that span. Giving him first dibs on the tape was a calculated and deliberate move - hell, it could've been orchestrated by GEOTUS himself via McCarthy.
The decisions he makes now on whether or not to publish - and subsequently what that does to his career at Fox - in my opinion will be some of the BIGGEST NEWS and DRAMA of the whole year. I'm hoping he has the stones to go through with it no matter the costs imposed on him by the system - if telling the truth is as IMPORTANT TO HIM AS HE ALWAYS CLAIMS IT IS then we NEED to know everything he's found.
Rest assured if he won't sacrifice, someone further down the line WILL and that someone will enjoy the fruits and grace of the populace's favor by doing so. It's truly a time for choosing for TC and for Fox News in general.
Tell me McCarthy and Trump didn't set it up this way. That they would want it to play any other way but this. For Carlson's sake, I hope he's brave in this moment. It will matter A LOT in the future: have no doubt.
[Thanks for the pin-up.]
What an excellent corollary, it fits so perfectly... too perfectly?!
Well, almost....
I'm thoroughly enjoying how you can SPOT the more vital issues swimming beneath the recent newsbreaks of both this one (J6 I mean) and the Twitter files.
Another way of saying this might be in the form of a question we've heard oft repeated lately: Why do they (the corporate media, MSM, mockingbird, the devil hath many names) NOT WANT THE RELEASE OF INFORMATION? Why do they not care at all? Why are they going even further - protesting and convulsing in a posture of FULL REBELLION, completely AGAINST the release of the footage?
This is like seeing a child having to be held down, squirming and writhing in perceived agony, as though they were being given nasty cold medicine, except instead of that substance it's a donut. Like, wait a second: you're the media, shouldn't you all LIKE and ENJOY the release of something like this? In particular, the interview between Beck and Carlson reveals their astonishment about this (although some of that is put on for sure, because as insiders they know the WHY)
To date this has been one of the BEST depictions and harbingers to the normie audience of what all of us here know already (and was flagged by Q in the post you shared) -- the MSM is under COMPLETE AND TOTAL [DS] CONTROL. Not partial, not infiltrated, not a few spooks malingering outside the newsroom, as perhaps in years past. FULL. TOTAL. SUBSERVIENCE.
The Twitter files hearing yesterday was shockingly good and enlightening in MANY of the same ways I thought. Particularly, I was struck by a couple of moments Schellenberger had: responding to Gaetz concerning the FTC probing Twitter in their letter for the specific names of the journalists they were coordinating with to release the information, which he described as chilling.
And I'm sure it must've been: I mean, can you imagine for example posting a meme here on GAW and then later having a mod show you a Gov't agency requesting at THE VERY TOP of the message that GAW give up your IP and any other personal info they have about you? Jesus. They are barely trying to disguise the fear campaign anymore.
Second, Schellenberger hit on a vital point about definitions, where they very quietly have moved the goalposts (beginning around COVID a couple years ago):
What horrible outcomes are awaiting us if we think MTG said 'Jewish space lasers' or that Hunter Biden smokes crack, exactly? This is one of the worst and most fundamental lies of all: the idea that such a thing as 'misinformation' is EVEN A REAL THING in our system - if we are actually following the Constitution, that is.
The exchange between Mr. Taibbi and the Democrat here HAD to be one of the funniest and most telling moments of the hearing.
She is pursuing a line of questioning on Mr. Taibbi's opening statement, given only minutes before, and with all the doggedness and aplomb of an EXPERIENCED FACT CHECKER to boot!
It totally shows how fast this beast is moving through our system, and how the Uniparty relishes this newfound power, they are practically licking their chops with excitement while they poke and prod to try and uncover SUBSOURCES. Its fucking scary.
If this isn't quashed soon, EVERY FEDERAL AGENCY is going to have it's very own shiny new Director of Information Policy - hey, maybe they will throw it under the duties of the new DEI chiefs they are all getting, although they DO prefer to make a whole new job out of any extra tasks if possible. 😉
Forgive me for turning my comment into a whole other post, but these issues grind my gears and I think its extremely important. A free press, free speech... It goes to the MOST fundamental freedoms we have as citizens of this country - the actual bedrock all others are based on.
If we allow them to win here, and let this go, five years from now they will be pushing with ALL their might on the 2nd Amendment, and that will be our absolute LAST line of protections. We shouldn't let it go there.