Naomi Wolf apologizes....LONG...but fascinating. I don't think this was yet posted here, sorry if it was.
Naomi Wolf apologizes....LONG...but fascinating. I don't think this was yet posted here, sorry if it was.
Thank you for posting this link. It has been amazing to watch the progression of intelligent people like Naomi in the process of breaking the spell. Once awakened, they cannot go back to sleep. Naomi has been a hard core Democrat. But, she is not militant about her beliefs. She is a person that can critically think, and when presented with evidence she has been able to rightly evaluate that evidence honestly. In addition, even though she has had to come to some conclusions that were uncomfortable, she has had the cojones to admit when she has been wrong. This is a huge step in the right direction towards healing the divide that has been manufactured between Americans of all beliefs and persuasions. I pray she will be an example for all of us.
We can agree to disagree on many things. But if we can agree on the fact that we are all Americans and that we can come together to support and defend our Constitution, it will be the swamp's worst nightmare. The illusion is breaking down. Expect a bumpy ride frens. The fertilizer is hitting the fans.
Taibbi is the same way. Hell, Lyndon LaRouche used to be a Communist.