Just a heads up, an armed attack, possibly involving a Delta flight at a Chilean airport whilst it was off loading 35 mil dollars.
Got no other real details, but seen the footage, looks like at least one (poss police or bad guy) maybe died. If I find out more I'll put it here, honestly don't know if it's connected with anything political or a robbery gone wrong. Just thought I'd make others aware.
Just checked local news; a couple of days ago a dozen thieves attempted to steal the money in the same way that was fine in 2020 and 2014. They were surprised in the act, a shout-out with airport police ensued and one thief and one officer were killed; they did not release whether they captured any or how much was absconded with. I could find nothing new after that, but the phrase universally used was unsuccessful robbery.
Thanks for that, appreciate the info.