All they did was make coin clipping devious again with the fed reserve. A tale as old as time. Now they do it digitally with 1s and 0s. Its made possible because the petrodollar. If half the world didnt have to buy our oil using USD it would have crashed a very long time ago. They are able to print and create trillions of dollars to pay defense contractors, bribe politicians, lobbying, fund wars, fun the startup companies that their tribes own and operate and choke out the rest. If a country threatens to go off our petrodollar we have them overthrown, mutilated and bayoneted in the ass.
If you understand the DOLLAR and who is behind it, you understand every major conflict in the last century or more.
Why do you think we blew up Nordstream 2? It threatened our petrodollar.
All they did was make coin clipping devious again with the fed reserve. A tale as old as time. Now they do it digitally with 1s and 0s. Its made possible because the petrodollar. If half the world didnt have to buy our oil using USD it would have crashed a very long time ago. They are able to print and create trillions of dollars to pay defense contractors, bribe politicians, lobbying, fund wars, fun the startup companies that their tribes own and operate and choke out the rest. If a country threatens to go off our petrodollar we have them overthrown, mutilated and bayoneted in the ass.
If you understand the DOLLAR and who is behind it, you understand every major conflict in the last century or more.
Why do you think we blew up Nordstream 2? It threatened our petrodollar.