INCOMING! Andrew Bridgen: I can confirm that during my recent visit to DC I was informed that the US DoD were responsible for both the virus and the vaccines. Fort Detrick was named. Also a facility in Canada. By the end of the month I expect to see the start of criminal proceedings...
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What happened to flu cases when COVID began?
yes they hijacked the flu, doesnt mean there wasnt a coronavirus out there at the same time.
Just like ten years ago, 100 years ago, or a thousand years ago.
The powers that be manufactured the pandemic, not the virus.
Egg Zackery. It magically disappeared….
both can be true. there could be a coronavirus recently engineered as well as the flu being hijacked.
Regardless of what it is, the narrative being driven doesn’t match what I am seeing out in real life when I see thousands of people everyday. Do you know what I’ve observed with my own eyes and ears? Cardiovascular issues and deaths, from the injections. This “covid” this is a fucking ghost while the “flu” conveniently disappeared. And magically young’s people are dying unexpectedly the moment the jabs were deployed.
I have only read about people that died from covid or the jab in the news. So far I have seen nothing in my personal life. While I do believe the jab to be dangerous until I see jabbed people dropping in my circles it is hard for me to say mass death is happening. Hoping the lack of uptake in boosters saves lives.